As the action-comedy series “Obliterated” concludes its first season on Netflix, creators Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg, and Josh Heald have shared insights into the potential for a second season. Centered around a special forces team aiming to thwart a terrorist plot in Las Vegas, the show’s unique blend of action and comedy has left fans eager to know if the party will continue in “Obliterated” season 2.
1. Creator Statements on Obliterated Season 2: A Hint of Possibilities
In a conversation with Inverse, Jon Hurwitz addressed the prospect of “Obliterated” season 2, emphasizing that the creators are open to the idea if there’s a demand for it. He expressed the notion of exploring another vibrant city, setting the stage for the team’s mischief and adventure.
Hayden Schlossberg added a touch of humor to the discussion, comparing “Obliterated” to the acclaimed show “The White Lotus,” suggesting the potential for different locations and a rotating cast. Cities such as Ibiza, Miami, Rio, and Cabo were playfully mentioned as candidates for the show’s next party destination.
2. Potential Locations and Fresh Adventures
The creators’ mention of various party cities opens up intriguing possibilities for “Obliterated” season 2. With the action-comedy genre’s flexibility, the series could easily adapt to new environments and scenarios. The comparison to “The White Lotus” hints at the potential for a multi-location narrative, allowing the show to reinvent itself with each season.
3. The Netflix Factor: Cobra Kai’s Influence
One advantage working in favor of “Obliterated” season 2 is the established presence of the show’s creators on Netflix. Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg, and Josh Heald are the masterminds behind the wildly successful “Cobra Kai,” a Netflix series that has garnered immense popularity. The existing fan base and success of “Cobra Kai” could potentially cross over to “Obliterated,” giving the latter show a boost.
4. Critical Reception and Season 2 Prospects
While “Obliterated” season 2 seems promising, the show’s critical reception and popularity will play a pivotal role. Unlike “Cobra Kai,” which has received widespread acclaim, “Obliterated” is navigating mixed reviews in its early days. For a second season to materialize, the show’s ratings and viewership need to exhibit growth and sustained interest.
Conclusion: Awaiting the Decision for Season 2
As fans eagerly await the decision on “Obliterated” season 2, the creators’ openness to new locations and adventures brings an air of excitement. The potential for the show to evolve and capture audiences in diverse settings could pave the way for a thrilling continuation. Until an official announcement is made, viewers can savor the action and humor of the first season, anticipating the next chapter in the “Obliterated” saga.